Sustainable Agriculture: Preserving Our Future is Important

We have decided to embark on the path of sustainable agriculture and begin a process of voluntary certification with great environmental, ethical and social value called EQUALITAS. It is a process in continuous evolution, which involves not only Casa Lucii and its staff but also suppliers, all external collaborators and finally the neighborhood!

Corporate Sustainability

The theme of environmental sustainability is in general strongly felt. In particular that of the sustainability of the wine supply chain fully involves us. For this reason we chose to go in depth to really understand what our environmental footprint was. In the search for internationally recognized certification standards, we realized that the real strength lies in addressing other issues, such as respect for workers and the sharing of ethical and economic aspects. We did not hesitate to embark on this new path in the interest of our beautiful countryside, our workers and, more generally, to leave a planet for future generations.


 Ambiental sustainability

Environmental indicators

The certification involves the analysis of three indicators: the carbon footprint of our production process, the water footprint (that is the consumption of water and the release into the environment of waste water derived from processes) and biodiversity, calculated by making an accurate analysis of lichens and water quality present on the farm land. The analyses are in progress and the results are not yet available. It becomes clear that the decision to switch to organic farming back in 1997 has generated enormous benefits for the environment. Moreover, the variety of cultivations, the alternation of our vineyards to woods and arable land allows us to fully safeguard biodiversity: the choice made some years ago to make a photovoltaic system on the roof of the winery is a winning choice also in light of the continuous variations of the cost of energy.

Sustainable agriculture pillars

The three pillars: environmental, social and economic

This is the most innovative aspect: to carefully evaluate and undertake effective strategies to improve the quality of the environment in which we live and produce; to improve the quality of work of our staff and external collaborators; to be willing to question some choices made, to think and act as a team.

Casa Lucii's workers, starting from the historical employee up to the young ones hired only for the harvesting period, acquire in such a perspective, the same importance because they all contribute, with their passion, will and ability, to make the company grow, produce and satisfy customers.


Social sustaiability

Sustainable wine: why choose it?

Often consumers, distracted by other aspects, are not able to understand what they are buying. The label is the only real tool that allows a consumer, correctly informed, to understand what he is buying. On our labels, besides finding the type of wine and its grade and other mandatory indications, we also find the organic logo represented by a stylized leaf on a green field, the Vegan logo, represented by a stylized carrot which certifies no animal products have been used in the winery and in the packaging, and lastly the sustainability logo represented by a circle with two E's facing each other. Behind every logo there is a great work which effectively affects the quality of wine, its wholesomeness in the full respect of environment and people.  


For more information about our sustainable company you can click here:


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