Once again this year the most important and delicate part of our job has come to an end. The grape harvest 2020 of Casa Lucii lasted one month and gave many satisfactions. This vintage that everyone will surely remember was good for the red grapes and excellent for the white ones.
Weather Conditions During the Grape Harvest 2020

The above-average seasonal temperatures that characterized the first two weeks of harvesting accelerated the ripening of the grapes with the exception of some vineyards that were subjected to excessive water stress. The intense and repeated rains of the second harvesting period radically changed the situation allowing the ripening of grapes subjected to the now overcome water stress.
The Grape Varieties Harvested

The white grapes such as Vernaccia di San Gimignano, Trebbiano and San Colombano were of excellent quality and gradation on each vineyard. The red grapes such as Sangiovese and Merlot and Colorino were excellent in terms of quality but very diverse in terms of productivity. Unfortunately some vineyards in spring suffered the effects of a late frost suffered the effects of a late frost. The low vigor of our organic vineyards allowed the grapes to ripen within the microclimate perfect for a wet season finale. In the cellar then there were no fermentation problems typical of some vintages. Each vat, kept lovingly under control, is slowly pulling out its peculiar characteristics. Only in a month we can have a precise and detailed idea of the wines of this unforgettable year.
Special Acknowledgements

A special thanks to the grape pickers who, with determination, day after day have harvested the grapes, first with a hot and sultry period and then with rain and mud. Thanks also for the respect of the company's anti-covid rules that allowed to bring the harvest to the end without any significant problems.